Modern Slavery Policy
for MPWR-365 Ltd
This statement sets out MPWR-365Ltd’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in either our own business or supply chains, so far as is practicable for the business to ascertain.
The purpose of this statement
This statement is approved by the Founders of MPWR-365Ltd and is made in accordance with Section54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The statement recognises that under the current requirements of the Act, MPWR-365 has no legal obligation to provide a statement, however we believe it constitutes the best practise for all businesses to provide a public statement highlighting the importance to individuals and society of eliminating modern slavery wherever it occurs and our key steps to support such an aim.
MPWR-365 recognises that slavery and human trafficking is a real, but often-hidden issue in society. It is a practise that impacts on individuals, families and communities and is unacceptable no matter what excuse is made.
Whilst the company does not meet the statutory requirements that demand a statement, we want every member of our team, our supply chain and our clients and customers to recognise that modern slavery is unacceptable and where suspected or identified will not be tolerated.
We will always act ethically, honestly and in full compliance with the law and regulations and we will expect and demand that all our supply chain, clients and customers do similarly.
We will take a zero-tolerance approach to any discovery of modern slavery, or its practises, and are committed to implementing effective policies and processes to safeguard against any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business and supply chain.
Who we are
MPWR-365 is a service-led business supporting the improvement business utilisation of data analytical tools to generate valuable business insight that drives productivity and growth. We are focused on the delivery of clear, usable data from large and/or complex data sets made easy through the design, deployment, configuration, and management of professional tool sets that release value and enable businesses to thrive. For more information, please review our website:
References to (“we” “us” or “our”) in this statement are references to MPWR-365 Ltd.
Our company is registered in the United Kingdom.
Our company registration number: 15208085.
Our registered address is: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
Organisational structure and supply chain
The business:
We project manage the design, development and deployment of cloud-based applications with a focus on delivering valuable intelligence insights to your business, its processes and productivity, and to improve the flow of data that enables timely and accurate decision making.
MPWR-365 maintains and regularly reviews internal policies to ensure it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. These policies include, but are not limited to:
Procurement Policy
We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to the highest standard of ethics. All Suppliers will be required to demonstrate they provide safe working conditions where necessary, always treat their workers with respect and dignity, and act ethically and within the law.
All suppliers will be required, where they meet the regulatory threshold, to have an equivalent Modern Slavery Policy in place and maintained by periodic review.
Contracts for recruitment services:
We will only contract with reputable employment agencies to source our people, and we always verify any new agency before initiating business with them.
All recruitment agencies will be required, prior to engagement, to assure us in writing they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
We will operate a robust recruitment policy, conducting eligibility to work in the UK and reference checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking of individuals, and to guard against any individual being forced to work against their will.
We are committed to ensuring we will always operate with the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability.
In line with this ongoing commitment, we operate a Whistleblowing Policy to cover the genuine concerns our employees, contractors, customers, or clients may have about suspected wrongdoing within the organisation.
We encourage our people, contractors, customers, and clients to be informed and understand their rights and protections in raising concerns about how employees of MPWR-365 or any contracted staff or freelance workers are being treated within our business or supply chain.
Our Whistleblowing Policy guarantees everybody the right to raise any concerns, without fear of reprisal.
Health and Safety
MPWR-365’s policy sets out our approach to ensure we provide a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and any contractors or freelancers who work from any premises that the business has control over.
Due diligence
MPWR-365’s supply chains are based throughout the world and include suppliers of direct materials (i.e. physical IT hardware and software to conduct business), suppliers of indirect services (i.e. professional services and facilities management for our offices).
We will:
conduct due diligence on all suppliers prior to permitting those businesses to contract for services. Our due diligence will seek to establish as appropriate:
any necessary assessment of regulatory licences and certificates,
compliance with regulatory bodies,
checks to determine the financial stability of the supplier.
As we grow the business, we are committed to enhancing our supply chain due diligence with further steps as appropriate to a business of our size and reach into the market.
We will seek to take positive action to encourage other businesses of a similar size to our own to adopt a public statement of commitment and compliance, even though they are not required to do so under the law as it stands.
We will provide periodic training to all employees to maintain awareness of and support understanding of the potential impacts of modern slavery and human trafficking on individuals, families, and communities and where appropriate will include a reference to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in our policies and procedures.
This statement was approved on the 1st of November 2023 by the Board and Founders of MPWRD-3656 Ltd, who are mutually committed to ensuring this statement is reviewed, amended, and published not less than annually to maintain compliance and best practise appropriate to a business of our size.